
Open-Source Lora Gateway Project

It is a gateway project using Lora technology. Definitely not LoraWAN. Gateway (Master) and Sensor (Client) project development continues, if you want to support, you can provide coding support from GitHub link. All written code and works are protected by the GNU General Public License v3.0.


#include "mplgw_lora.h"
esp_err_t app_start(void)
    esp_err_t status = ESP_OK;
    status |= app_get_device_config();
    status |= lora_process_start();
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "first init done... status: %d", status);
    print_heap_usage("after first init");
    return status;

Reasons Why Gateway with Lora

Long Range Communacition
No GSM or Wi-Fi fees
Environmental Power Consumption
Quick Installation
Stream Sensor Data to Your Server

Used Technologies

Espressif Systems Semtech: Analog and Mixed-Signal Semiconductors MQTT FreeRTOS Google Cloud